Code check required

ZX evolution software and hardware

Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 19:21

Hi i am attempting to write my own OS using my Evo and TS-LABS config.
I have written a command parser for which i would ask if someone would check my code to see if i have it correct please ?

Thanx in advance.

Code: Select all
; Input DE points to command buffer start
; HL points to command table

      ld hl, table

      ld a, (de)
      cp h'20         ; check for space
      jp nz, parse_start
      inc de
      jp eat_space

      cp h'20         ; space means end of command
      jp z, end_of_command
      cp (hl)         ; Compare a with first character in command table
      jp nz, next_command   ; Move HL to point to the first character of the next command in the table
      inc de
      inc hl
      jp parse_start

      cp '*'         ; Is it the end off command * ?
      jp z, forward         ; Yes inc HL 3 times to set to begining of next command in the table
      inc hl
      jp next_command

      inc hl
      inc hl
      inc hl
      jp parse_start

      inc hl         ; increase to *
      inc hl         ; Increase to point to jump vector for command
      jp (hl)

; Command table below with all jump vectors.

      dw "cls"      ; Command
      db '*'         ; 1 byte
      dw jumpvector1      ; 2 bytes
                dw "videomode"      ; Command
      db '*'         ; 1 byte
      dw jumpvector2      ; 2 bytes

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Postby lvd » 20 Mar 2012, 19:24

I think that unless you are Linus Torvalds, your OS should start from anything but not code writing :-)
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Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 19:29

I was only asking if some kind hearted person could check my parse routine and show me mistakes.
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Postby breeze » 20 Mar 2012, 19:40

Seems all right at first look.

justine wrote:dw "cls"      ; Command

justine wrote:dw "videomode"

But, maybe you mean DB ?

ps. I need a parser for my script engine . Can I use your code?
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Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 19:44

Thanx Breeze,
Isn't dw for data word and db for data byte ?
Feel free to use my code, its good to know i am of use to someone ;-)
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Postby breeze » 20 Mar 2012, 19:49

justine wrote:Isn't dw for data word and db for data byte ?

"db" is single char 1 byte, "dw" is world - 2 bytes.
If you try to compile like "dw" you will receive error "Bytes lost":

justine.asm(46): error: Bytes lost

justine wrote:Feel free to use my code, its good to know i am of use to someone ;-)

Thanks ;)
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Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 19:56

Ah yes your right :agree: Was just a silly mistake would have found out when i got home and tried to compile it.

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Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 20:08

Revised code compiled using IAR EWZ80

Code: Select all
; Input DE points to command buffer start
; HL points to command table
; Output DE points to space after last character of command
; HL points to command jump vector

      ld hl, table

      ld a, (de)
      cp h'20         ; check for space
      jp nz, parse_start
      inc de
      jp eat_space

      cp h'20         ; space means end of command
      jp z, end_of_command
      cp (hl)         ; Compare a with first character in command table
      jp nz, next_command   ; Move HL to point to the first character of the next command in the table
      inc de
      inc hl
      jp parse_start

      cp '*'         ; Is it the end off command * ?
      jp z, forward         ; Yes inc HL 3 times to set to begining of next command in the table
      inc hl
      jp next_command

      inc hl
      inc hl
      inc hl
      jp parse_start

      inc hl         ; increase to *
      inc hl         ; Increase to point to jump vector for command
      jp (hl)

; Command table below with all jump vectors.

      defb 'cls'                   ; Command
      defb '*'                     ; 1 byte
      defw jumpvector1      ; 2 bytes
      defb 'videomode'      ; Command
      defb '*'                    ; 1 byte
      defw jumpvector2     ; 2 bytes

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Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 20:26

Added function to check for end of command by looking for a space of enter in buffer.

Code: Select all
; Input DE points to command buffer start
; HL points to command table
; Output DE points to space after last character of command
; HL points to command jump vector

      ld hl, table

      ld a, (de)
      cp h'20         ; check for space
      jp nz, parse_start
      inc de
      jp eat_space

      cp h'20         ; space means end of command
      jp z, end_of_command
      cp h'0d         ; Enter means end of command
      jp z, end_of_command
      cp (hl)         ; Compare a with first character in command table
      jp nz, next_command   ; Move HL to point to the first character of the next command in the table
      inc de
      inc hl
      jp parse_start

      cp '*'         ; Is it the end off command * ?
      jp z, forward         ; Yes inc HL 3 times to set to begining of next command in the table
      inc hl
      jp next_command

      inc hl
      inc hl
      inc hl
      jp parse_start

      inc hl         ; increase to *
      inc hl         ; Increase to point to jump vector for command
      jp (hl)

; Command table below with all jump vectors.

      defb 'cls'      ; Command
      defb '*'         ; 1 byte
      defw jumpvector1      ; 2 bytes
      defb 'videomode'      ; Command
      defb '*'         ; 1 byte
      defw jumpvector2      ; 2 bytes

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Postby justine » 20 Mar 2012, 20:28

checking for a space at the end of the command is handy as you can then have additional parameters to supply to the called routine. The called routine just checks for other characters after this space.
If it was an enter then there are no parameters to be passed.
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