ZX Evo switch off double scan on VGA out ?

ZX evolution software and hardware

Postby NuClear235 » 11 May 2016, 17:48

is possible to switch off double scan on VGA output ?
I want to see scanlines on VGA out too...
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Postby DimkaM » 11 May 2016, 22:45

or shift+ScrollLock
ZX-Evo rev B, ZX-Evo rev C, ZXNetUsb rev A, ZXNetUsb rev С
http://nedoos.ru/ http://ti6.zxevo.ru/
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Postby lvd » 12 May 2016, 00:34

As DimkaM said, you just switch into TV mode and then there is no scanline doubling.
However, horizontal sync changes to 15kHz and it is very rare for any VGA monitor to support TV mode in their VGA ports.
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Postby NuClear235 » 13 May 2016, 13:18

I just want one line picture one line black and again and again...
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Postby lvd » 13 May 2016, 17:08

NuClear235 wrote:I just want one line picture one line black and again and again...

Oh no, such mode is not supported...
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Postby NuClear235 » 13 May 2016, 23:37

Is is in future open possibility to add it as option or is it hardware limited ?
I need implemented Scanlines to VGA, because my LCD TV kills scanlines from RGB input too :-(
Nice solution will have Spectrum Next - is possible to switch Scanlines ON/OFF in realtime:
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